The day being hot I began to get thirsty so knocked on the door of one pretty cottage to ask to fill my waterbottle. The woman who greeted me revealed she too was a long distance walker and helped slake my thirst we two helpings of strong blackcurrent cordial to help me on my way.
Chris kindly offered to come and collect me by car since he lived on Bodmin Moor on the other side of Bodmin. His suggested rendezvous turned out to be a pub near a steam railway station and a steam engine was pulling out just as I arrived.
Chris met me at the pub then drove me to his house on the moor when we spent the evening mostly discussing the world of Humanitarian Assistance over pizza and cheap wine I bought en route. We also discussed where each of us had worked and compared who had had the most tropical deseases. I think I won. Strange thing for me to be competitive over when I come to think about it .
What doesn't kill us ....